Zoo De La Flèche (5)Zoo De La Flèche (5)
©Zoo De La Flèche (5)|STEVAN_LIRA

Opening hours and prices of zoo de La Flèche

An unforgettable day at Zoo de La Flèche.

Founded in 1946, the Zoo de La Flèche was the first private zoo in France. It is now among the 5 first French zoological gardens in number of visitors with around 400000 visitors each year.

Today, you can admire 1500 animals composed of 160 different species at the zoo de La Flèche. As soon as you arrive, you will find yourself face to face with whitelions and chimpanzees. You will continue your visit with tigers, giraffes and even grizzly bears. At the center of the park you will stop in front of hippopotamus, lemurs before finishing your day facing impressive elephants.

Shows for the entire family

You will discover shows and activities like polar bears diving, the sea lions show, falconry show, and many more recreational and educational activities. You can also, for example, participate at the feeding of pinguins or exchange with the elephants healer


  • Adults ( From 12 years old)

    Ticket 1 day : 29,5 €
    Ticket 2 days : 44,5 €

  • Children (From 3 to 11 years old)

    Ticket 1 day : 21,5 €
    Ticket 2 days : 32 €

  • Persons with reduced mobility

    Adult : 24,5 €
    Children (from 3 to 11 years old) : 17 €

  • Free for children under 3 years old

Zoo de La Flèche is open during the year (except December 25th and January 1st)

Monday to FridaySaturday, Sunday, bank holidays
From November 05, 2018 to April 05, 201910am to 17.30pm10am to 17.30pm
From April 06 to May 12, 20199.30am to 19pm9.30am to 19pm
From May 13 to July 05, 201909.30am to 18pm09.30am to 19pm
From July 06 to September 01, 201909.30am to 19.30pm09.30am to 19.30pm
From September 02 to September 30, 201909.30am to 18pm09.30am to 19pm
From October 01 to November 03, 201909.30am to 18pm09.30am to 18pm



Food service on site

Many food services are open in the center of the zoo. Cafeteria, homemade pizza, burgers, buckwheat pancake, salads, hot-dogs … The entire family will find what they are looking for.

Picnic zone

A little everywhere you will find picnic zones. The only choice to make will be whether you prefer eating next to the tigers or white wolves or grizzlys.