Vallée Du Loir à Vélo (1)Vallée Du Loir à Vélo (1)
©Vallée Du Loir à Vélo (1)|Copyright Joel Damase
The complete itinerary of

Loir Valley by bicyle V47

The complete itinerary V47 – Loir Valley by bicycle

Do you want to explore a new cycling route? Or do you want to embark upon an eco-friendly touring adventure? Explore the Vallée du Loir à vélo cycle route, taking advantage of its quiet lanes – with much less traffic than the main roads – to discover this peaceful valley.

You can download the roadbook below.


Travelling through Eure-et-Loir and Loir-et-Cher

From the source of the Loir in Eure-et-Loir, head for Saumeray, they continue another 28 km until you reach Châteaudun, a town steeped in history.

Then continue your journey towards Cloyes-sur-le-Loir and its famous tanning mill. Carry on for another 18 km and then stop off at Fréteval or Morée, two charming villages that are the perfect place to relax.

Vendôme, Montoire and vineyards…

Continue 15 km until you reach Vendôme, also known as the “garden-city” and a great place to stop. Between Meslay and Montoire, you’ll cover 30 km of the “Vallée du Loir à vélo” cycle path and get to enjoy the natural coolness of the troglodyte houses along the way.

Head towards Ruillé-sur-Loir, another 23 km further on, for a chance to step back in time. Then, snake through the vineyards for 22 km until you reach Montval-sur-Loir.




Château du Lude or La Flèche zoo?

The town of Le Lude is 28 km further west. Take advantage of this stopover to visit the town’s famous castle (which is still inhabited) and its magnificent garden decorated by the Countess of Nicolay. Next you’ll travel along the green way with its 40 km well-secured trail built on a former railway.

Just 22 km away, in the town of la Flèche, you can enjoy a totally different experience, visiting the animals and keepers at  La Flèche zoo, now famous following France 4’s programme: “A season at the zoo.”




A detour to Baugé?

And why not take a short detour via Baugé so you can visit the château and its equally impressive  apothecary.

Or carry on directly to Lézigné. Then continue another 28 km to Briollay which is the penultimate stop before Angers, 20 km away.